Jamis Buck tells us to not be afraid of harnessing SQL in our Rails apps, because honestly you get some situations where ActiveRecord’s not all that hot: Processing ScoreboardController#redo_score (for at 2006-11-25 18:21:23) [POST] Session ID: 42ffe9708b41170379431beb2b0e6d1b Parameters: {"action"=>"redo_score", "controller"=>"scoreboard"} user Load (0.001182) SELECT * FROM users user Columns (0.000607) SHOW FIELDS FROM users hoopty Columns (0.000287) SHOW FIELDS FROM hooptys SQL (0.000694) SELECT count() AS count_all FROM hooptys WHERE (hooptys.user_id = 8) SQL (0.000787) SELECT count() AS count_all FROM hooptys WHERE (hooptys.user_id = 1) SQL (0.001862) SELECT count() AS count_all FROM hooptys WHERE (hooptys.user_id = 14) SQL (0.000767) SELECT count() AS count_all FROM hooptys WHERE (hooptys.user_id = 8) SQL (0.001033) SELECT count(*) AS count_all FROM hooptys WHERE (hooptys.user_id = 8) hoopty Count (0.035854) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hooptys.id) FROM hooptys LEFT OUTER JOIN wheels ON wheels.id = hooptys.wheel_id WHERE (hooptys.user_id = 3 AND tire_id = 1) hoopty Count (0.031429) SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT hooptys.id) FROM hooptys LEFT OUTER JOIN wheels ON wheels.id = hooptys.wheel_id WHERE (hooptys.user_id = 3 AND tire_id = 2) and so on

Since ActiveRecord::Base’s #count method doesn’t really do what we want, we were originally hitting it n*m queries per page load, which sucked the life out of our app:

Completed in 3.93758 (0 reqs/sec) | Rendering: 0.33898 (8%) | DB: 3.52800 (89%) | 200 OK []

So, we had to write our own application-specific SQL and a method to take the results and put it in a useful data structure. def self.full_array x = Array.new @scores = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all( %Q{SELECT COUNT(hooptys.id) as count, wheels.tire_id, hooptys.user_id FROM hooptys LEFT OUTER JOIN wheels ON wheels.id = hooptys.wheel_id GROUP BY wheels.tire_id, hooptys.user_id ORDER BY hooptys.user_id, wheels.tire_id } ) @scores.each do |v| x[v["user_id"].to_i] = Array.new unless x[v["user_id"].to_i] x[v["user_id"].to_i][v["tire_id"].to_i] = v["count"].to_i end return x end Excitement!