This post is adapted from my lightning talk during ElixirConf 2024.

I’ve done some work with “behavior sanitizers” in a few different programming environments this past year.

What are Sanitizers?

A useful definition of “sanitizers” (from “SoK: Sanitizing for Security”) is that they instrument programs under development or research to find vulnerabilities. A higher/slower performance budget is acceptable in these contexts, while false-negatives (i.e. program execution survives an error) are not acceptable.

I think sanitizers were originally made mainstream by the Clang C and C++ compiler, which provides a collection of them for detecting data races, uninitialized memory use, and undefined behavior (although compiler authors are working tirelessly to render them useless). Similarly, the Jazzer fuzzing system for Java includes sanitizers for higher-level weaknesses like SQL injection, LDAP injection, OS command injection, and server-side request forgery.

These sanitizers immediately kill the system under test when triggered. Clang’s AddressSanitizer justifies it as such:

If a bug is detected, the program will print an error message to stderr and exit with a non-zero exit code. AddressSanitizer exits on the first detected error. This is by design:

  • This approach allows AddressSanitizer to produce faster and smaller generated code (both by ~5%).
  • Fixing bugs becomes unavoidable. AddressSanitizer does not produce false alarms. Once a memory corruption occurs, the program is in an inconsistent state, which could lead to confusing results and potentially misleading subsequent reports.

This, plus the performance cost, really suggests that you shouldn’t plan to run sanitizers in production. The “CIA Triad” of confidentiality, integrity, and availability can still be failed if you turn every problem into a crash, Clownstrike/Windows style.

Erlang’s Trace Module

Erlang/OTP has had a tracing system for a long time. In the OTP 27 version, there’s a whole trace module for sending reports about function calls from a selection of processes to a tracer process.

From :

%% Create a tracer process that will receive the trace events
Tracer = spawn(fun F() ->
                     receive M -> 
                         io:format("~p~n",[M]), F() end end).
                         %=> <0.91.0>
%% Create a session using the Tracer
Session = trace:session_create(my_session, Tracer, []).
%=> {#Ref<0.1543805153.1548353537.92331>,{my_session, 0}}
%% Setup call tracing on self()
trace:process(Session, self(), true, [call]).
%=> 1
%% Setup call tracing on lists:seq/2
trace:function(Session, {lists,seq,2}, [], []).
%=> 1

%% Call the traced function
lists:seq(1, 10).
% {trace,<0.89.0>,call,{lists,seq,[1,10]}} % The trace message
%=> [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10] % The return value
%% Cleanup the trace session
%=> ok

%=> true

This code instruments lists:seq/21 calls. You can change that though. It’s also all in Erlang, but you can write it in Elixir too!

Finding the Target

I decided that because most of my Elixir code is web applications that talk to PostgreSQL databases, I should figure out how to trace the part of the postgrex Postgres library that actually takes the query and sends it down a socket. After some looking around, I learned that postgrex does a lot of its stuff through the db_connection library, which sends all the queries through the DBConnection.prepare_execute/4 function.

Let’s inspect that from Elixir:

defmodule Inspector do
  def receive_loop() do
    receive do
      mesg -> IO.inspect(mesg)


tracer = spawn(&Inspector.receive_loop/0)
#=> #PID<0.1845.0>
session = :trace.session_create(:sesh, tracer, [])
#=> {#Reference<0.2597460725.3043885058.15094>, {:sesh, 4}}
:trace.process(session, :all, true, [:call])
#=> 153
:trace.function(session, {DBConnection, :prepare_execute, 4}, [], [])
#=> 1

Similar to the Erlang code above, this sets up the tracing process, makes a trace session for it, and instruments the DBConnection.prepare_execute/4 function in :all the processes that are or will be running.

Here’s what happens when you run a query:

# the query
Postgrex.query!(conn, "SELECT * from pg_stat_user_tables", [])
#=> [query results…]

# to stdout from the tracer process:
{:trace, #PID<0.149.0>, :call,
 {DBConnection, :prepare_execute,
      ref: nil,
      name: "",
      statement: "SELECT * from pg_stat_user_tables",
      param_oids: nil,
      param_formats: nil,
      param_types: nil,
      columns: nil,
      result_oids: nil,
      result_formats: nil,
      result_types: nil,
      types: nil,
      cache: :reference

This is much more exciting! The message says it’s a :trace message, which process it’s from, what they were doing (:calling a function), and what they called: DBConnection.prepare_execute/4 with the arguments #PID<0.260.0>, %Postgrex.Query{…}, [], and []. Looking at the docs for DBConnection.prepare_execute/4, we see:

@spec prepare_execute(conn(), query(), params(), [connection_option()] | Keyword.t()) ::
 {:ok, query(), result()} | {:error, Exception.t()}

Prepare a query and execute it with a database connection and return both the prepared query and the result, {:ok, query, result} on success or {:error, exception} if there was an error.

So that first #PID<0.260.0> is the connection process2, the %Postgrex.Query{…} struct is the query, the first empty array would normally be a list of parameters getting bound to placeholders in the query to prevent SQL injection, and the last one is a list of options for controlling queueing, timing out, etc.

Sanitizing instead of Inspecting

Now that we know how to find the query in a trace message, let’s change gears to actually stopping something that looks like injection. What Jazzer does for SQL injection is just assume a malformed SQL statement is an attack, which is probably fine, but presumes the availability of a SQL parser. I’ve worked on a SQL parser for Erlang at a previous job, but I figured that an easier approach would be to just look for a magic string like __sanitizer__.

For the “not just a LiveBook shown off on stage” version, I implemented it as a GenServer that holds the session and tracer, and a handle_info callback that looks for the magic string. The full code’s available, but here’s the part that does the thing:

  @impl GenServer
  def handle_info(
        {:trace, caller, :call,
         {DBConnection, :prepare_execute,
          _args = [
              statement: stmt
      ) do
    maybe_alert(state, stmt, caller, conn)

  def should_alert?(stmt) when is_binary(stmt) do
    cond do
      not String.valid?(stmt) ->
        # weird but ok

      String.contains?(stmt, sanitizer_slug()) ->

      true ->

  def should_alert?(stmt) do
    |> IO.iodata_to_binary()
    |> should_alert?()

  defp maybe_alert(state, stmt, caller, conn) do
    if should_alert?(stmt) do
          found_injection: stmt,
          caller: caller,
          caller_live: Process.alive?(caller),
          conn: conn,
          conn_live: Process.alive?(conn)

        Process.exit(conn, :kill)
        Process.exit(caller, :kill)
      {:noreply, %__MODULE__{state | fire_count: state.fire_count + 1}}
      {:noreply, state}

The maybe_alert/4 body there doesn’t take any prisoners. It kills the connection and calling process, which should disconnect the database, if not before a transaction gets on the wire, but possibly before a commit. It’s still racy because it happens out-of-band, and I wouldn’t rely on this working in production at all.

It does have tests! This was my first time hand-cranking a callback-based behavior, because I struggled for most of the train ride on instrumenting the process kills.

Future Work and Conclusions

I could see this being useful in the context of a fuzzer, although my understanding is that fuzzing isn’t a thing in BEAM world. I think it might be worth researching this, and I think I see a way to do it in the same BEAM as a Phoenix LiveView process or something, but I’ve got more projects and ideas than time.

Anyways, I had fun and finally learned about Erlang tracing after hearing about it in Basho times. If you’re interested in this, have a look at

If you want to use this in production, please don’t. It’s a prototype, it’s never been run in production, and I built it with the assumption that it’d just be a prototype to demo and either discard or spend time figuring out how to integrate it with a fuzzer that doesn’t really exist yet.

  1. lists:seq/2 is basically the standard way to identify a function in Erlang. Erlang modules and functions have lower-case names, separated by a colon, and the /2 means you’re talking about the two-argument version. In Elixir, you’d call that Erlang function with :lists.seq(1, 10) because it turns out Erlang modules are just named with atoms. Similarly, Elixir functions get identified like DBConnection.prepare_execute/4. It’s called “MFA” for “module, function, arity3” but I think of it as “module, function, argument count” ‘cause I’m basic. 

  2. Why not a connection object like in Ruby or Java? We’re in BEAM world, state lives in processes here. 

  3. “arity” means argument count